This site is about spirituality in the New Age, Esoteric teachings, Ageless Wisdom, miracles, supernatural phenomena and modern spiritual teachers such as Sai Baba, Maitreya and other Avatars.

It also gives information about topics such as life after death and complementary medicine.

The New World Prayer

The new world prayer was given by Maitreya in July 1988 is really an affirmation with an invocative effect, and will be a powerful tool in the recognition by us that man and God are one, that there is no separation. By affirming that I am the creator of the universe I can come into consciousness (eventually) that I am God, the true reality.

I am the creator of the universe.

I am the father and mother of the universe.

Everything came from me.

Everything shall return to me.

Mind, spirit and body are my temples

For the Self to realize in them

My supreme Being and Becoming

The Lord Maitreya

Take your brother's need as the measure for your action, and solve the problems of the world. There is no other course.

Share and save the world.

Fear not!

All in time will be renewed.

All in time will be returned to light.

Lord Maitreya

"Before the throne of God, the angel, with all the other angels, stood and cried: 'Lord of my life, grant me the strength to tread the path of revelation; to cross the sea of dark illusion, and face the lighted way of earth.' God said: 'Go forth and far away.'

"Before the gate which opens on the lighted way to peace, the angel stood alone and said: 'Lord of my life, the way of revelation is the way of manifested life; the path of dark illusion leads to the light which scatters every shadow. I seek to tread the lighted way which lead back to thy Presence. As yet that way is dark. What shall I do?' God said, 'Draw near and enter into thine own light, and in that light, see Light.'

"Before the gateway of each newborn day, which holds within its sealed hours ordered responsibility, each morn I stand. I cry aloud: 'Lord of my life, how can I do the duty of this day and seek detachment? Meet every need and yet free myself from ties and bonds?' God said: 'The sun draws near and vivifies the earth. Naught can it take from out the earth. Live likewise. Give and ask naught!'"

Alice A Bailey

Avatar in Jail

Sai Baba
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Swami Premananda

Picture of Swami Premananda

Swami Premananda was born in Matale, Sri Lanka in 1951. It has been said that he is a reincarnation of a great and learned scholar and sage Swami Vivekananda. In 1969 while addressing a gathering of about 200 people his body began to glow and an ochre coloured robe suddenly seemed to descend on him. At the time he was 18 and he became to be known as Swami Premananda. He decided to found an orphanage in his birthplace in Matale. He repeated it again in southern India in a town 20 km from Trichinapoli in the state of Tamil Nadu, which was opened in 1989. The orphanage caters for approximately 600 orphans. .

Once a year at the most auspicious time of on the Feast of Shiva, Swami Premananda produced lingams (miraculously manifested egg shaped object of stone or metal) as Sai Baba has done for many years. As his fame began to spread he was suddenly arrested and imprisoned on 32 charges of all sorts of crimes including rape and murder. One by one they have been disproved. Police corruption and poorly researched articles from the media may have played a part. But he continued to be kept in prison and but he smiled and said "Truth will finally win." Swami Premananda achieved Maha Samadi on 21st Februry 2011.

Swami Premananda: Avatar behind bars

Official Premananda Web Site