On 6th January 2008 Maitreya has appeared as Imam Mahdi in a figure of light in a procession to mark the martydom of Imam Hussain the grand son of Prophet Mohammed. Follow the link to the Youtube video and see the figure of light moving towards the end of the video.
14 centuries ago Imam Hussain left Mecca heading towards a city in south Iraq (Kufa) where people answered his call and agreed to support him. As he arrived at the borders over 10,000 of his supporters were imprisoned and he was not allowed to enter the city.
On the plains of Karbala on the day known as Ashura Imam Hussain was surrounded by a massive army of thousands. In an unequal battle all his companions were killed he was left with only women and children. He placed the bodies of all the heroes who defended him together in a collection of martyrs who died for justice.
Then Imam Hussain was ready to take his position. He defended in an amazing show of strength, patience and valour. In the long battle that ensured he could not be defeated until he needed rest. The enemy did not wait an arrow was aimed at his chest killing him. His tomb is in Karbala, Iraq
Zainab, Hussain's sister led the remaining from the prophets family. In this way Zainab guided the people and continued the message. People commemorate this event since then. Maitreya appeared as Imam Mahdi in a miraculous figure of glowing, brilliant, white light in a procession. Benjamin Creme's master has confirmed that his dance like movements with a sword remind us of his coming with the sword of cleavage.
The sword of cleavage is the energy of love, which he embodies. This energy is impersonal stimulates both camps of both good and bad and right and wrong. This makes it obvious to people who is good and right and who is bad and wrong. This makes it easier for people to make the right choice and decide between good and bad.
Recommended reading
Maitreya's Teachings, The Laws of Life,Edited and introduced by Benjamin Creme, Share International Foundation, ISBN 90-71484-31-9
The Great Approach, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
The Art of Co-operation, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, Benjamin Creme (The Tara Press)
Maitreya Mission Volume One, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
Maitreya Mission Volume Two, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
Maitreya Mission Volume Three, Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles)
Alice A Bailey, The Reappearance of Christ (London: Lucis Press, 1948)
Alice A Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (London: Lucis Press, 1955)
H P Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine (London: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1888)
Helena Roerich, Leaves of Morya's Garden, Volume I : The Call (New York: Agni Yoga Society, 1924)
- Leaves of Morya's Garden, Volume II : Illumination (New York: Agni Yoga Society, 1925
When you see Me, you will understand the reasons for your presence in the world.
You are here my friends, to serve the plan of God.
You are here each of you, from love of your brothers.
You are here too, to learn, to expand your knowledge of that Plan and to progress along the Path.
That is the truth of your presence at this time.
Take heed, then, of this opportunity which I present to you: to share with Me in my work of succour, to ease my burden, to unfold God within you and to lead your brothers to Light.
Many there are whom I call.
Many there are who wait and listen.
Few there are, indeed, who seize the time and act.
These few are my people.
May you become one of them
Lord Maitreya
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